Chris Tysh featured in the Poetry Project Newsletter #237

Our_Lady_Of_The_Flower_Echoic_Chris_Tysh_Front_CoverOur Lady of the Flowers, Echoic author Chris Tysh’s essay, “Sleeping with French Philosophy,” is featured in Poetry Project’s Newsletter #237:

In a few minutes, I’m meeting Jacques at the Café Parisien (on the lovely Place Rhin et Danube, near the Buttes Chaumont Gardens). No doubt, we’ll both cringe at the absurd tautology of the name, though neither of us could remotely claim to be a bona fide Parisian–what with his Sephardic beginnings in Algiers, what with my mother’s dark green passport haunted by double black lines spelling APATRIDE (stateless), an event that drags with it the blue archive, the one stored in the chest, both grace and everlasting art. “Stay with me, Jahveh had said to Moses, send them to their tents” (Archive Fever 23).

Read the entire essay on page 6 of Poetry Project’s Newsletter #237.

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