Chris Tysh Interviewed at Entropy

Our_Lady_Of_The_Flowers_Echoic_Chris_Tysh_Front_Cover_ThumbnailChris Tysh discusses the history of her interest in translation, the intricacies of authorship, and Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic with Felipe W. Martinez at Entropy.

How does one become aware of translation, you want to know. How does one notice the mosaic of faces, the great étalages of alphabets in the daily newspapers?  How does one translate the universe’s multi-layered flesh, its heterogeneous breath and sound? To travel from one tongue to the other without a transfer, a correspondence, as in bus or train, is a fantasy or folly. I’m saying that such a transmission, such a relocation, always involves an inscription of otherness, a new border we scrawl at the crossroads.

Read the full interview here.

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