Guantanamo and The Ants Reviewed at WIRB

Something we need, and may not want, to read...

Guantanamo reviewed in New in Des Moines

Multiple translations illustrates the point that no real original can exist...

Guantanamo reviewed at Vice

For all the horror Guantanamo carries, what it does not say and cannot say is by far the most deadly...

Guantanamo included in BYT’s July Best-Of List

The book acts as an off-set...

Guantanamo reviewed at HTMLGIANT

A trinity of ambiguity, vegetables, and the United States of America...

Guantanamo reviewed at Publisher’s Weekly

Place turns the stark French into inescapable English...

Entropy’s Summer List includes The Ants and Guantanamo

We’ve got your summer reading list covered...

Guantanamo reviewed by Timothy Liu at Coldfront

The dizzying sum is greater than the at times mind-numbing parts...