Tarpaulin Sky Covers Michael du Plessis

Over at Tarpaulin Sky’s online magazine, Megan Milks tackles Michael du Plessis’ The Memoirs of JonBenet by Kathy Acker.

These fabricated doll memoirs perform an interrogation of the real. “We’re in fiction,” JonBenet declares halfway through, “which is the best kind of reincarnation there is” (47). Here she returns as a fetching doll child whose adventures in artifice include, in discrete chapters, a love affair with Little Lord Fauntleroy, wherein she drinks candy cocktails and listens to Japanese pop music on his gold crushed velvet couch; a visit to the Denver Art Museum, where she communicates with the Synnot Children through the painting of the same name; a dream in which she turns Goth, goes to school, and encounters Alienated Jock Nerds with toy guns; and a flashback to her bedroom on the night of her death, where the evil Blue Fairy tries to persuade her to become real. Then there’s Kathy Acker…

Read Milks’ full review at Tarpaulin Sky.



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