Julie Thi Underhill

Julie Thi Underhill’s poetry appears in Maxine Hong Kingston’s Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace (2006) and her Ghosts memoir appears in Embodying Asian/American Sexualities (2009). Her photography includes portraits and landscapes from El Salvador, Malawi, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Viêt Nam. Her interviews are featured in the Peabody Award–winning “Crossing East” series on Asian/American history, in the Secret Asian Woman radio documentary, and in ColorLines magazine. While a fellow of the William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, in 2006 she filmed Second Burial, a portrayal of her Cham grandmother’s final ceremonies in Thôn Phuóc Lâp, Viêt Nam. As a chancellor’s fellow at the University of California in Berkeley, she is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Ethnic Studies.