By Kelman Out Of Pessoa reviewed on HTMLGiant

Photo credit: Amy Billharz
Over at HTMLGiant, Joe Milazzo engages Doug Nufer’s By Kelman Out Of Pessoa, discussing the constraints that Nufer used to compose the book by writing a constraint-based “review” of his own.  One paragraph reads:

Isn’t all personality pathology? Isn’t all aspiration corrective? Isn’t all identity speculative, projective? Isn’t all ambition conceptual? Isn’t all conceptualism dishonest with respect to its ambitiousness? Isn’t all memory an estrangement rather than détente? Isn’t all character in the character of accent: something one perceives rather than possesses? Isn’t all subjectivity plural? Isn’t all love a reflection of narcissism? Isn’t all narrative propaganda, overt or malgre lui, for the notion that history alone equals possibility? Isn’t all pluralism nostalgic and dystopian? Isn’t all utopianism totalitarian? Isn’t all solution in turn solved by the camera shutting off, the curtain falling, the frame intersecting with the horizon, the chord dissipating? Isn’t this sort of thing—By Kelman Out Of Pessoa, I mean—virtuosic; prog rock?

Read the rest of the review here.

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