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Caroline Bergvall

Caroline Bergvall is a writer and cross-disciplinary artist working across media, languages and artforms. French-Norwegian, based in London. Bergvall is known for her multilingual poetics, her work around new literacies, cultural belonging and accented practices, and...

Laynie Browne

Laynie Browne is the author of ten collections of poetry and two novels. Her work appears in the second edition of The Norton Anthology of Postmodern American Poetry. Her newest collection of poems Lost Parkour Ps(alm)s...

Teresa Carmody

Teresa Carmody is the author of Maison Femme: a fiction (Bon Aire Projects, 2015) and Requiem (Les Figues, 2005). Her chapbooks include I Can Feel (Insert Press, 2012),  Eye Hole...

Vanessa Place

"Vanessa Place killed poetry." —Anonymous, via Twitter. The Boston Review called Vanessa Place “the spokesperson for the new cynical avant-garde,” The Huffington Post characterized her work as “ethically odious,” literary critic and philosopher Avital Ronell stated that...

I’ll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women

Caroline Bergvall

Laynie Browne

Teresa Carmody

Vanessa Place

The first collection of conceptual writing by women.
Literature | $40.00
ISBN 13: 978-1-934254-33-2
Size: 9” x 6”
Pages: 455
Binding: Softcover, Perfect


Conceptual writing is emerging as a vital 21st century literary movement and I’ll Drown My Book represents the contributions of women in this defining moment. Edited by Caroline Bergvall, Laynie Browne, Teresa Carmody and Vanessa Place, I’ll Drown My Book takes its name from a poem by Bernadette Mayer, appropriating Shakespeare. The book includes work by 64 women from 10 countries, with contributors’ responses to the question—What is conceptual writing?—appearing alongside their work. I’ll Drown My Book offers feminist perspectives within this literary phenomenon.


Kathy Acker, Oana Avasilichioaei & Erin Moure, Dodie Bellamy, Lee Ann Brown, Angela Carr, Monica de la Torre, Danielle Dutton, Renee Gladman, Jen Hofer, Bernadette Mayer, Sharon Mesmer, Laura Mullen, Harryette Mullen, Deborah Richards, Juliana Spahr, Cecilia Vicuna, Wendy Walker, Jen Bervin, Inger Christiansen, Marcella Durand, Katie Degentesh, Nada Gordon, Jennifer Karmin, Mette Moestrup, Yedda Morrison, Anne Portugal, Joan Retallack, Cia Rinne, Giovanni Singleton, Anne Tardos, Hannah Weiner, Christine Wertheim, Norma Cole, Debra Di Blasi, Stacy Doris & Lisa Robertson, Sarah Dowling, Bhanu Kapil, Rachel Levitsky, Laura Moriarty, Redell Olsen, Chus Pato, Julie Patton, Kristin Prevallet, a.rawlings, Ryoko Seikiguchi, Susan M. Schultz, Rosmarie Waldrop, Renee Angle, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Tina Darragh, Judith Goldman, Susan Howe, Maryrose Larkin, Tracie Morris, Sawako Nakayasu, M. NourbeSe Philip, Jena Osman, kathryn l. pringle, Frances Richard, Kim Rosenfeld, and Rachel Zolf.

Praise for I’ll Drown My Book: 

“It makes its own rules and sometimes it follows them, which implies that you, reader, too, should make your own rules and sometimes follow them. It’s a koan of a map to some writers you probably don’t know and you might love. It acknowledges that we can’t possibly be expected to understand ourselves unless we listen to each other while recognizing too that it is our task alone to understand ourselves.”


I’ll Drown My Book is the absent flower from the bouqeut of today’s writing…To read this anthology is to let a hundred flowers bloom, to let a hundred generative approaches to writing contend, to multiply writing endlessly and ad nauseum-to smother us with the miracle of roses, and remove us from the poisonous breath of the world so that we may feel our hearts easily caught by tenderness, and where others fall, we would fall too.”

                      – Janey Smith, HTMLGIANT

“I’ll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women is an ambitious work, large, rich and slightly contradictory, and entirely brilliant, and something that anyone interested in contemporary writing should immediately attempt to get their hands upon.”

   – Rob McLennan

A review by H.V. Cramond in NewPages

A review by Mia You in Zoland Poetry