The Tales Reviewed at HTMLGIANT

The_Tales_Jessica_Bozek_thumbDennis James Sweeney, at HTMLGIANT, reviews Jessica Bozek’s The Tales, examining its play with and blurring of genre:

The spurts trace the trajectory of someone called “The Lone Survivor” after a cataclysmic war known by its aggressors as Operation Sleep. The Lone Survivor makes his way into the world of the attacking nation, seeing visions of thriving life as he tries to hold onto his own past. From what I can see, he is eventually banished to a sort of reservation/ museum-type installation, where reparations are attempted as time progresses. The political implications here are explicit, and welcome. But the value of the tales is mostly, I think, in their language, the way Bozek tells this story. Not through poems exactly. Nor, though, through fiction.

Read the full review here.

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