There are one hundred kinds of Chinese silences: the silence of the unknown grandfathers; the silence of borrowed Buddha and rebranded Confucius; the silence of alluring stereotypes and exotic reticence...
Yu’s 100 Chinese Silences is a vital voice among this chorus that is growing louder by the minute speaking, singing and shouting the new sound of what it means to be Asian in America...
At times, the irony can become difficult to decipher. Indeed, his poems hold multiple meanings, opening a much-needed conversation about how Asian American voices are simultaneously appropriated and silenced....
The intent here seems clear enough: Timothy Yu is sick of the orientalist uses made of Chinese culture and its poetry by ‘western’ poets and others that instrumentally enable their own poetries...
Timothy Yu set off on a one-hundred poem crusade to heap ridicule and brilliant insight at Ezra Pound, Gary Snyder, Billy Collins, and other purveyors of Far East falsities...