Featured Fig: Kim Rosenfield

"Every day I wake up with a brand-new attitude. I always want to experiment. Sometimes I just want to do something lazy, so I go to the airport looking like a hot...

The Rumpus Reviews Tall, Slim & Erect

It’s Forman’s appropriative threading—intentional and meticulous—that illuminates and renews the language...

HTMLGIANT & 25 Points on The Memoirs of JonBenet

If someone were to insist on a thesis, one that I would have to deliver, I would suggest it as this: 'Read this book'...

Lividity Featured on HTMLGiant’s Holiday Shopping Guide

HTMLGiant features Kim Rosenfield's latest book of poetry, Lividity, on their Holiday Shopping Guide...

Featured Fig: Sophie Robinson

"My training is in the experimental tradition, and that’s where my heart still lies: finding ways to make language...

Big City Forum: The Hub at WUHO: Cain & Carter

| Hollywood |
Amina Cain, Allison Carter
October 24, 2012

Jen Hofer Wins 2012 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award

Jen Hofer wins the 2012 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award, chosen by Pierre...

On Both Sides and the Center by John Pluecker

When you first walk in, there’s a man, blindfolded and gagged with his hands and feet cuffed to parallel leather rods holding him...

What I’m Reading Now… by Marjorie Welish

So integrated are signs in our lexicon that Richard sees no reason why poetry cannot write across these—and so she does...

Vanessa Place, Round One Via Lemonhound

I first heard of Vanessa Place and Les Figues in a cab going from...

Q.E.D. Part 3 | Authentic Objects

| West Hollywood |
Judie Bamber, Dodie Bellamy, Terry Castle, Vanessa Place
June 13, 2012
MAK Center Schindler...

Featured Fig: Frances Richard

I am deeply satisfied by work that extends a long way into the playful joy of manipulating its media, that gets beguiled by spatial, sonic, etymological or chromatic (etc.) progressions...fig Frances Richard is the author of...